At iStudy Tutoring, we are dedicated to providing a unique and supportive learning experience for students of all ages, whether you need extra support at school and work or you are home educated.
We provide individual instruction to help inform, inspire and instruct students to reach their learning goals. We strive to use the latest technology and internet resources to support the learning process. We are passionate about helping young and adult learners alike to reach their full potential.
We've Got You Covered
Customised ​Learning Plans
Our tutoring sessions offer the best of both worlds. We offer group sessions for those who like to learn with their peers, as well as one-on-one tutoring for those who prefer more personal instruction. We offer tailored content to specific courses for those looking to pass exams, as well as fun lessons for those who just want to learn something new. Whether you are looking to learn something specific, or just want to have a bit of fun, our tutoring session have something for everyone.